We celebrated our 16th year of marriage at Cades Cove Tenn. this year. This is a picture of us in the woods. We decided this year instead of spending money on a weekend getaway we would take the family on vacation. Here we are- me all fat and pregnant with baby #8 and all.
Wow,Sean and I hit our 16th year of marriage. It feels like yesterday I walked down the aisle with this young man. I sometimes have to pinch myself because I feel so lucky to still be so in love with him. I sometimes say to Sean ."Is marriage supposed to be so happy and am I still supposed to get butterflies in my stomach when you walk in a room." I don't know but I know that is what God has done in our lives. We love each other so much and I am so thankful for this man that
God gave me at such a young age. 8 children, 16 years, many ups and downs of life - we are still together and happy. Our love is richer, deeper and more mature than 16 years ago. I know the love that we have now is strong and unbreakable. People ask me the secret sometimes. Here's my short list. 1. Give and don't expect anything back.(hard to do but worth it) 2. God has to be the center( a cord of three strands can't be broken)3. always find time for each other(date night, late night talks) 4. Always find ways to make each other laugh!(water fights,april fools) There you have it, the short list. Oh and for those of you not married yet. Pray for your future husband every night. I did this from age 12 and I really believe that God prepared both our hearts for each other through those prayers.Sean if your reading this. I love you!!!!!