We have a tree theme this year. Can you guess why? Yes, you saw correctly. We have two more children in the picture. Our branches just keep growing. We added Khristelle to our family in April. She came to America through the Haitian Hearts program and we are blessed to get to be her adoptive parents. It has been a journey for her but she is a happy, adjusted Oswald and she brings us great joy every day. The other addition was an unexpected surprise. A BOY!!!! Sean and I about fell over at the sonogram in the spring when the doc said “It’s a boy”. Sean Keegan came July 21st and he really was a boy. We all held our breath at the delivery and the first thing I said to the doctor was “Is it really a boy?”
Not much has happened this year other than just adjusting from 6 to 8 children. Kirianna went to China for three weeks with People to People program and we took a family vacation to Smokey Mountains. We had rapid growth this year and are very pleased and blessed that God keeps giving us the opportunity to be parents and share our love. We just keep asking God for grace in raising all of them and know that our strength comes only from Him alone. Stay tuned for next year…. you never know.
As a tree grows through the years its trunk and root system becomes stronger and wider each year. This is why we feel like a tree this year. When you look at the rings on a tree stump, you can see the history of the tree. You can tell the years of drought and the good years of lots of rain, slow growth and fast growth.
This may describe our relationship with God and others also. We have years of growth, change, drought and hardship. The scripture says that a tree that bears fruit is the one that is deeply rooted by the river bank. What is our river bank? Is it our life in Christ? The scripture says that our leaves will never wither and we will bear luscious fruit eachseason if we gain our life, and joy from the streams of living water.
I pray this for our family and yours, that as we add branches to our trees
(doesn’t have to be children) that we will bear fruit in every season – the fruits
of Christ love for others, living our lives as He would have lived it. Always raising our branches towards him, knowing our source of life and strength comes from Him alone.
On the back of our card you see Sean and I with little Keegan sleeping, Christ came
to us as a babe, an infant. He died on a tree for our sins so that we may have a life that is eternal and abundant in Him. Let’s be fruit bearers this next year. May our prayers this next year be: more branches, more fruit and deep roots!!!!
The Oswald’s