A Tribute to My friend

I lost a very close friend this week to cancer. She was 39 years old and is leaving a husband and three boys behind. Cancer is an evil, evil disease. I am going to miss her dearly. When I met Kim 4 years ago. It was an instant connection. As Anne of Green Gables would say, She was my kindred spirit. It's not very often that you meet someone that can say I have adopted children and understand that feelings that come with that, I have a child with learning disabilities,I'm a homeschooling mom, I've buried a child- the list goes on but the one thing that was our strongest connection was Jesus and our love for Him. Kim was one of a very short list of people that knew the real me. I could tell her anything( the way I really wanted to say it ) and it would be safe. Two years ago when I went through a scary period of illness with my husband. She was my rock. Her phone calls, emails and cards got me through the weeks of uncertainity, worry and fear. She always brought me back to Jesus. She lived as a shining light, she was in a little package but her influence, heart and Spirit weren't cased in a little package. They were long reaching. I was looking for comfort in God's word this morning and I came across this scripture in Hebrews. It is talking about great men of faith like Abraham and Issac. It says that many of these men died before they received what God had promised them but they saw it from a distance and welcomed the promises of God but that they were looking for a better place. A heavenly homeland. I had a dream on Monday night( Kim died Tuesday)- I believe that God gave me this dream to help me be okay with this and know that it is okay to let her go. I saw Jesus welcoming her to Him. His arms open wide and beackening her to run to Him. She began to run to Him ( no limp- body whole). She got to Jesus and she was hugging him and He says to her. "I'm so glad your here, but I already have work for you. He took her to a field- Green grass, sun, beautiful babies everywhere. Babies laughing, giggling, cooing, laughing. Women were feeding them, playing with them, dancing and praising God. Jesus said to her-" I need you to run my heavenly nursery." I saw her smile and run through the gate. Kim a women of great Faith is in her heavenly homeland. Kim give my little ones a big kiss for me and tell them how much I love them. The last words I got to hear Kim say to me were last Thursday and they were "Love Ya" in a soft whisper. Kim, I just want my last words back to you to be this "Love Ya".

Two Peas in a pod, Dad excited to not be the only boy in the house

We welcome our gift from God. It feels like iceing on the cake of life. God decided to suprise us with this little blessing. Each new addition to our family is exciting and amazing. I am so grateful to my heavenly father for giving me the opportunity to raise these precious souls. I pray that this newest one will be outspoken for Christ and a friend of Jesus like his name sake. May he be humble and full of God's love and may the Lord give both his parents the wisdom and understanding in raising him.

Sean Keegan Oswald, July 21, 2009

Celebrating 16 years of marriage

Here we are 17 years later.

We celebrated our 16th year of marriage at Cades Cove Tenn. this year. This is a picture of us in the woods. We decided this year instead of spending money on a weekend getaway we would take the family on vacation. Here we are- me all fat and pregnant with baby #8 and all.
Wow,Sean and I hit our 16th year of marriage. It feels like yesterday I walked down the aisle with this young man. I sometimes have to pinch myself because I feel so lucky to still be so in love with him. I sometimes say to Sean ."Is marriage supposed to be so happy and am I still supposed to get butterflies in my stomach when you walk in a room." I don't know but I know that is what God has done in our lives. We love each other so much and I am so thankful for this man that
God gave me at such a young age. 8 children, 16 years, many ups and downs of life - we are still together and happy. Our love is richer, deeper and more mature than 16 years ago. I know the love that we have now is strong and unbreakable. People ask me the secret sometimes. Here's my short list. 1. Give and don't expect anything back.(hard to do but worth it) 2. God has to be the center( a cord of three strands can't be broken)3. always find time for each other(date night, late night talks) 4. Always find ways to make each other laugh!(water fights,april fools) There you have it, the short list. Oh and for those of you not married yet. Pray for your future husband every night. I did this from age 12 and I really believe that God prepared both our hearts for each other through those prayers.Sean if your reading this. I love you!!!!!

Black bear we saw at Cades Cove

This bear was right by our car. It was pretty amazing for the girls to watch.

More Mountains

We had an awesome family vacation in Tennessee. We relaxed, swam and had family fun. These are pictures from our trip up to Cades Cove. What a peaceful place. You can really feel the presence of God when you get in raw nature. It was awesome.

Vacation in the Smokey Mountains

Pool Saga- Part two

Looks lovely, doesn't it?NOT! Well, Friday we thought that all was going well with the pool project until ran into a bundle of dodo..Oh I mean, a 6foot section of our sewer line was hit. Opps!This became a huge problem. We may not be able to put the pool in because the pipe runs right through the new pool spot. Needless to say my husband was not happy and of course replacing all the pipe is the homeowners responsibility. AHHHH! Thank God that we found a wonderful guy to fix the pipe and dig it deeper for a reasonable price. I am beginning to regret I ever had this idea of putting a pool in. I am looking at the mounds of dirt I have in our yard and I am wondering if our family is capable of getting all this back in order and looking nice again. We are talking weeks of shoveling and digging. Now, we are praying that our excavator will come back and level the ground back off for no charge???? We will keep you posted. .

Our mud pit- Pool Saga- part one

We decided this Christmas to suprise the kids with a big suprise and buy them an above the ground pool. 18x33. This sounded like so much fun for this summer. Well it has turned out to be an absolute drama.First the installation has been put back by two months due to all the rain. Second, they finally came out to dig on Monday and found an old septic tank that prevents us from putting the pool in the spot that we intended.Of course this was after they had already dug 4 feet. However, now I have a very large hole in my backyard. My entire garden is torn up and it looks like an absolute headache.However my girls always find a way to make it fun. They decided we could just fill the hole up with water and then that could be our pool. Hummm, somehow I don't think that will work. But they had fun trying. Hopefully, we will be able to put the pool in another spot... Saga to be continued..... Here are some fun pictures of the the little girls in the their makeshift pool.

More Fun!!!

The three headed monster that wakes me up each morning!!!

Khloe- decided to get into some stickers and cover her face??? The sticker monster. She thought she was hilarious.

The three little flowers, Thank you girls for my beautiful mother's day flower garden. I love it. My iris's are blooming! I can't wait to see my roses bloom.

Kirianna Graduated from eighth grade! Wow!!!!

It was just yesterday that I held this little bundle in my arms with her little red face and red hair and cried. Thanking God for bringing me a healthy beautiful baby girl. Today as I watched her walk across the stage to get her eighth grade diploma, I felt the tears come creeping up. I say to myself " where did the time go?" I now know the feeling that I am sure went through the hearts of my parents that same day in my life. I also now have a new understanding for the statements my mom and dad always used to make like " Your always my Ally Pooh" or " Your forever my Carmel baby". I used to be like "Oh please". But now as a mother, I understand. I am looking into a mirror some days. I thank God for every moment that he gives me and pray that he gives me wisdom in all my words and actions. Being a parent is such an amazing journey of discovery in who you are and also rising to new challenges in life. I just pray everyday that this short time that God has given me to mold and raise her that I will do it with dignity and patience. I pray that his Grace will always flow from my mouth and that my daughter will grow to be a "woman of God".Okay, I am going to say it " Kiri, you will always be my little KJ". Love you!!!

Khloe Turns Two

Happy Birthday KhloeAnn!!!! You bring so much joy to our lives and make us laugh every day!
Opening her presents. This year she knew what to do with the presents and she was able to get the paper off very quickly

Check me out on my new bike. Now I can be like the big girls.

She blew the candles out as soon as the cupcake hit the table. She has seen so many birthdays in the last few weeks. Way to go girl!!!

More Twelfth Night

The Witch Song. These little confused witches thought they were in Macbeth.
Fastina's Drunk song! Too funny! Glad she wasn't really drunk. but she did a good job convincing me! Do I need to know something, Fastina?

Great Job theater girls!

The old ladies from "Don't Rock the Boat"
Kylee- the confused witch- The Twelfth night
Katerina- the story teller- The Twelfth Night
Fastina being a fool- The Twelfth Night
Fastina- the fool
This year we had 4 girls participate in drama productions. Vivianna and Fastina were old ladies in a very funny play called "Don't Rock the Boat" and Kylee, Fastina and Katerina were in a Shakespeare musical called "The Twelfth Night". Fastina was a fool, Katerina - the story teller and Kylee was a confused witch. Here are some fun memories from all the hard work!!!

Way to go Kirianna! Awesome Track Season

This year Kirianna attended two classes at a local Christian Private School to help supplement our homeschool program. She was able to be a part of the soccer team, basketball team and the track team. I think track was her favorite. It was so exciting this year to see her run. She made it to the IESA State Track meet in the 400meter. Some of the events that she enjoyed this year were the 400meter,1600meter relay, 4x1 relay, and the Long Jump. Here is some pictures! Keep Running Kirianna!

Just Singing in the Rain

As some of you may have heard, out here in Illinois we are getting an abundance of rain. So much that we are getting sick of it. We have a pool scheduled to be put in that has now been pushed back two months due to the wet ground. However, my little girls seem to love the rain. I came home from the grocery store the other day and found this waiting for me outside while it was pouring. Remember the song, " Just Singing in the Rain, Just singing in the Rain. Oh what a beautiful feeling, I'm singing in the rain. Enjoy!

Running season has started for the little girls.

It is no suprise to Sean and I that we have some runners in the family. In the Peoria Area a running organization called Illinois Valley Striders conducts an annual running series for children ages 2-12. They have the opportunity to run the 400m, 1/2mile or the mile. My girls love it. Each week they receive a ribbon with their time on it. Here are some pictures of them enjoying the running.

End of year choir concert! Way to go girls!!!

I know you can't see them but Katerina and Kylee are in the front row and Fastina is in the back towards the left.We to go girls!

Fastina Turned 16!!!!

Wow, Fastina turned 16. I can't believe it. She came to us three years ago a quiet,shy little girl and has grown into a wonderful young lady like no other. She has a heart after God, she is an awesome encourager. She is so intelligent, loving, giving and humble. She has been a true blessing to our family. I don't know what I would do without her. Happy 16 Fastina!!!! We love you!!!!

Piano recital

The little girls playing at the recital a duet. I think I heard this song so many times that I was sick of it. All the practicing! But I will say I was a proud mama when they pulled it off. I just need to invest in some good earplugs. I did move the piano to the back of the house to reduce some of the noise. As it progressed, I came to love to just sit and listen to them play.Excuse the poor video taping, I was holding Khloe-Ann- you may hear her adding her two cents a few times throughout the song.
Katerina and Kylee girls playing their duet.
Fastina and Kirianna Playing their duet.