I lost a very close friend this week to cancer. She was 39 years old and is leaving a husband and three boys behind. Cancer is an evil, evil disease. I am going to miss her dearly. When I met Kim 4 years ago. It was an instant connection. As Anne of Green Gables would say, She was my kindred spirit. It's not very often that you meet someone that can say I have adopted children and understand that feelings that come with that, I have a child with learning disabilities,I'm a homeschooling mom, I've buried a child- the list goes on but the one thing that was our strongest connection was Jesus and our love for Him. Kim was one of a very short list of people that knew the real me. I could tell her anything( the way I really wanted to say it ) and it would be safe. Two years ago when I went through a scary period of illness with my husband. She was my rock. Her phone calls, emails and cards got me through the weeks of uncertainity, worry and fear. She always brought me back to Jesus. She lived as a shining light, she was in a little package but her influence, heart and Spirit weren't cased in a little package. They were long reaching. I was looking for comfort in God's word this morning and I came across this scripture in Hebrews. It is talking about great men of faith like Abraham and Issac. It says that many of these men died before they received what God had promised them but they saw it from a distance and welcomed the promises of God but that they were looking for a better place. A heavenly homeland. I had a dream on Monday night( Kim died Tuesday)- I believe that God gave me this dream to help me be okay with this and know that it is okay to let her go. I saw Jesus welcoming her to Him. His arms open wide and beackening her to run to Him. She began to run to Him ( no limp- body whole). She got to Jesus and she was hugging him and He says to her. "I'm so glad your here, but I already have work for you. He took her to a field- Green grass, sun, beautiful babies everywhere. Babies laughing, giggling, cooing, laughing. Women were feeding them, playing with them, dancing and praising God. Jesus said to her-" I need you to run my heavenly nursery." I saw her smile and run through the gate. Kim a women of great Faith is in her heavenly homeland. Kim give my little ones a big kiss for me and tell them how much I love them. The last words I got to hear Kim say to me were last Thursday and they were "Love Ya" in a soft whisper. Kim, I just want my last words back to you to be this "Love Ya".
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