This last Saturday we picked up Big Bertha. For those of you that don't know ,Big Bertha is my child that I have a love/hate relationship with. Big Bertha is our 15 passenger van. I never thought I would say this but I am so happy to have her home, finally. I have been without my van for over 6 weeks and it has been painful. Bertha was stolen from us in late July. I was helping my sister move in Chicago and my van was stolen. The story goes like this.
My sister was moving back to California and I went up to Chicago with Bertha and seven of my children to help her pack all her belongings and bring them back to my house to store while she went on a 3 month trip to Africa. So it was an intense week of packing, kids and many trips to the Salvation Army. I was crazy and fun at the same time. I have to admit, it was such a joy to have my sister in Chicago this last year. I learned how to hail a cab and ride the subway. Things I had never done before in my life. So our week had ended and we had everything that she owned and was keeping packed in the back of our van. I couldn't see out the back of the window of the van and parking in Chicago was a 30 min ordeal each time but we did it. We were so proud. I was leaving for home with her stuff and having a farewell picnic with my brother and his family and my sister. I walk back to our parked van approx. 1 mile walk and can't find our van. I am walking up and down the street for over 30min in shock. I can't believe it. I can't even think straight. I have 7 children with me who are very tired from a very long week of packing and I am ready to get home to my husband. I can't get ahold of my sister and I am stranded in Lincoln Park, Chicago. Wow! This is a picture of all the kids on a park bench, processing that our Van is gone.
Next, I call my husband crying and just unsure what to do next. Thank God for my husband. He calms me down, calls the police and then calls me back with the information to call the police and make a report. He then calls Amtrak and books 8 tickets from Chicago to Bloomington and has me on a train within 3 hours so that I can get home safe. My sister got my message and I am able to get into her apartment till we can catch a train. We pack into a Chicago cab and make it to the train station just in time to catch the train home.
Three days later, we get a call from Chicago police that they found our van. Everything of value had been taken and our radio stolen, car door lock riped out, window broken and steering column broken but it still was running. PTL.
She had to sit in the impound lot in Chicago for a couple weeks and then she was released. Sean had to make a trip up to downtown Chicago to prove that we owned her before the tow company could pick her up and take her to the shop to be fixed. That is another funny story.
Sean is thinking no big deal,he get to where he is supposed to be to get her and he has to travel down this dusty, gravel road that has holes big enough for entire tires to fit in. He is afraid that a tire will pop on his way out to this lot. He sees miles of cars and one little trailer when he finally get up the road and into the lot. He makes his way to the little trailer and he gets inside. It's small, sticky, and smelly.Then he comes face to face with the "Fat Boss". This guy doesn't talk he just sits in his chair behind the secretary and nods and he is FAT. People are running in and out and up to him put a paper in front of him , he nods and then turns his head. Sean is thinking- I have entered an episode of the Sopranos. They release Bertha and Sean is happy that he made it out alive. ( kidding ) She get to the shop to be fixed and then there is a hold up because her parts are so old and they have to get them special.
In the end, I was never so happy to see her on Saturday when I walked in the the shop. She was stinky and messy but nothing I couldn't clean up with some good bleach spray and a vacuum. She is home and she never looked so pretty to me. Part of her carpet on the inside is gone but other than that she gets me from point A to point B and I am happy about that. Everyone is in a seatbelt and no more cramming everyone in the Sunfire. Life back to normal. My life is ever an adventure! I have so many stories that I can't even believe they happen to me, sometimes. But God is always good and faithful. Welcome home Bertha!
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