This last week ,I was drawn back to the book that I have probably read 10 times in the last 10 years. It is a quick read written by Henri J.M. Nouwen. He is an amazing man that speaks to me. This last week, I was the donkey in this picture. I was feeling the burdens in my cart. It had overwhelmed and overloaded me. I was like the donkey and I was in panic. If I closed my eyes right now and put myself in the donkey's place ,I can imagine his feelings. Feeling of fear, worry , terror, horror and he was probably having thoughts like " Where's my help?" " Why did this happen?"
The burdens in my basket were heavy( daughter rushed to ER, another daughter needing a third heart surgery, neice with severe emotional problems that I am homeschooling ,broken washer, stolen car being fixed and still not returned, issues at church in my volunteer position. The list could go on;however ,you get the picture. I had to pull Henri Nouwen off the shelf and ask myself " Can I drink this Cup?"
In the scripture, Jesus asked his friends James, John and the sons of Zebedee, " Can you drink the cup that I am going to drink?".
" Can we hold our life, lift our life, and drink it, as Jesus did?"
Henri Nouwen says in his book:
" Holding the cup of life means looking critically at what we are living. This requires great courage, because when we start lookng, we might be terrified by what we see. Questions may arise that we don't know how to answer. Doubts may come up about things we thought we were sure about. Fear may emerge from unexpected places. "
I am reminded again and again of the Cup that Christ took for us and I know that my trials and fears and concerns will never compare. We must remember that God is our Rock, He is the one who knows all. My answers is "yes" God , I can hold this Cup and yes I will hold it with Joy. As Nouwen says, " what causes us sadness can become the fertile ground for gladness". We must realize that " The cup of life is not only a cup of sorrow but also a cup of joy. When we realize this is when we are able to drink it."
Donkeys are stubborn and stupid and I am a donkey many times in my life! I need to stop looking at the ground but start looking at the heavens and My Lord.
This week I can look back and thank the Lord that Peace has settled in( the one that passes all understanding) and my feet are firmly planted on the Rock of my Salvation. My house is not built on sand but rock and I will stand firm!

1 comment:
This is a good reminder of Who is really in control. Thanks, girl. I'm glad to have discovered your blog. I'll be reading! :-)
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