I have went totally "commando" on my Body. It is time! I found 4 gray hairs, my arms wave goodbye to friends and I was posted on face book in a photo in which a double chin was displayed. Oh no, oh no! I am not going to go here anymore. I have a dear friend who has had 7 children( gave birth to all of them). She looks amazing. She is probably a size 6-7 maybe smaller and looks great. I notice that she has found the secret to success and that is consistency. It certainly has paid off for her and I know that I can do this. So I met with a personal fitness trainer. I am in my second week of working out. It feels great to be sweating and lifting. I am already starting to see some changes and muscles that I haven't seen in years. Being 36 and doing this is alot different than in my teens. It used to be a piece of cake to go out and run a 6:30 min. mile. Tonight, I was dripping in sweat( worried about the guy in on the treadmill next to me that he was getting drenched)from trying my best to maintain a 9 min pace. My personal goals I am going to post so that I remind myself of how much I want this:
1. Run a Marathon this next year ( full 26 miles) at a 8:30 pace
2. Lose 30 pounds
3. Lose the arm flaps and handles
4. Be able to feel confident this next year in the swimming pool.
So I am committed to 10 weeks of exercise and hopefully a habit forms for my future.
Yay!! Working out is rewarding in many ways! You go lady!
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