Wow, I can't sleep. I am so excited. I go into work tomorrow at 9am and it will be my last day of working outside of the home. A whole chapter of my life is closing and I am so excited to begin this new chapter. I have been in the work force for the last 20years. Crazy- how fast time goes. I became a mother 15 years ago and it has been a struggle to try and juggle all the roles of life. A working mother is constantly juggling her life to meet the roles that she plays. It is a delicate balancing act and many a day the balls fall and she has to run picking them back up. My energy has been split between my family and my work for so long. My husband has had to pitch in at home so many ways. Don't get me wrong. He would not have it any other way. But I have a feeling that he will go into total shock when my energy is all put into managing a home.
In 1800's ,women wrote entire books on how to properly manage a home. Our society has forgotten the art of homemaking. I know this sounds so 1950's but I can't wait to explore this life. So what makes a great homemaker. Breakfast on the table every morning, homemade cookies when the kids get home from school?
So my checklist for this week is :
Organize the kitchen and pantry- Reading book on Organizing " Organize your life" by Ronnie Eisenberg.
Research living on a budget and cost cutting tips.
Read the book Managing your home.
Finish copying recipes from the Betty Crocker's Money Saving Meals recipe book( great Pictures.)
I was cleaning out the "catch all" room in the basement and I came across all these long forgotten sewing projects that I had purchased and never finished. My 9 year old says" Mom why do you have all this stuff" I say to her- " I have always wanted to learn to sew ". She says, " why don't you just give it away, you never use it". I say to her " Well now that I am going to be home all the time, I am going to have time to do this stuff". She smiles and says to me, " your going to be a real mom now aren't you. One of those mom'a that knits and stuff like that". I laughed. I wasn't sure if I should cry or laugh. But yes, my answer to her is "Yes", I am going to be a real mom now! Whatever that means. Kids see the world so differently.
So the adventure begins..........
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