So I have survived a month,as a stay at home mom. I think ,I am making the 1950's mother come back to life. To my horror these last few weeks , when my husband got home for dinner,I had a dress on and was smiling " Hello Honey" With the kids all ready to sit down for dinner, house cleaned and all that. What has happened to my pride?I also find myself looking over cookbooks throughout the week looking for recipes to cook. Amazing! A true transformation to domestic-ville. Next thing you know, people will be calling me June Cleaver( for those of you that can still get that reference).
So here is what I have learned so far about this whole stay at home gig:
1. Yes, making homemade bread can be done and you don't have to be a nature girl to do it.
2. Cooking dinner can actually be fun
3. It is important to find time for yourself and talk to other adults, occasionally.
4. Hanging your clothes on a line outside to dry is not all that it's cracked up to be( the clothes get really scratchy.
5. Homemade pizza is actually really good and is a new family dinner hit.
6. Laughing at yourself is always the best medicine
7. Sewing is not a skill I think I want to pick up.
8. I rediscovered that I loved to read
9. I fall in bed at night having worked twice as hard than I ever did as a working mom but feel much better and less guilty about being tired.
10. I can be much more relaxed in this process.
The "stay at home mom gig" is not easy. The mom's of the 50's didn't get enough credit.
It is not a cake walk to have a dress on, house clean and a smile on the face when hubby walks in the door. It's hard-work. I have a new found respect for my mother and mother-in-law who were both stay at home mom's they had it hard and didn't blink an eye and I don't recall either of them complaining!!!! Your amazing, ladies! Which one of these are you? I definately am the one on the end in the white dress. Got to have my shades and I like to be relaxed and different in life.

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