Do you see that yellow thing? It is the tip of a Kayak. This is a picture of the coast line from about a mile out on the ocean. Sean and I didn't know what we were doing and got stuck out in the waves with the wind blowing. It was quite the experience laughing and trying to get the boat to row back to shore. We almost smashed into rocks and a couple times were seriously worried that we weren't going to be able to get the boat back to shore. But all in all it was fun.
This is the pool right outside our room. We swam in everyday. Could look out over the ocean while swimming.
They have a saying that you are Jamamerican when you come to visit Jamaica. This is Sean sporting his Jamamerican look.
Bob Marley, the famous singer is practically worshipped down in this island. I thought I would sport a Bob Marley mask for fun. Pretty scary, I know.
This is sitting on the porch at the breakfast brunch. The weather was about 75 and the breeze slightly blowing. So relaxing eating in such peace with the waves making their peaceful relaxing sounds and the black birds singing.
This is Sunshine and Tom Jr. They made necklaces for us for the girls. We had fun joking around with them.
This was the view from our room. We had a little porch that we could sit on and relax and watch the sunrise and set each day.
Enjoying the breeze
Enjoying the sunset.
We enjoyed a candlelight dinner out in the ocean in a gazebo. We wanted to take a moment and thank the Lord for his blessing to us. It is such a joy and blessing to be in a Marriage with a godly man, who loves the Lord and knows it is not from our own strength but His heavenly father that our blessings come from
The first night I met Sean, he gave me a ride home. I knew that night that he was the one for me. As I got out of the car he grabbed my hand and kissed it said something very romantic in french. The photographer was taking a picture and Sean suprised me with a romatic kiss on the hand and some beautiful French. Some things never change.
We mostly laid on the beach and caught the rays and read books. I finished three books and Sean finished 5 of the 9 he brought. We could definately recommend Sandals Resort if your looking for a fun getaway.